SCHA and SC Technical College System Announce New Clinical Faculty Academy Session

The South Carolina Hospital Association and the SC Technical College System are pleased to announce the next session of our Clinical Faculty Academy will be held April 4-5, 2024, at Technical College of the Lowcountry, New River Campus.

The Clinical Faculty Academy is coordinated by the Academics, Student Affairs & Research Division at the SC Technical College System and serves as a communitywide training program for registered nurses who want to serve as adjunct clinical faculty at nursing schools in South Carolina. The mission of the Clinical Faculty Academy is to develop qualified staff nurses for the role of clinical nurse educators to increase the faculty workforce and expand and sustain enrollments in nursing schools. At the end of the training, individuals receive a certificate of completion. They are then accessible through the hospital (as the employer and clinical site) and the nursing colleges to serve as clinical instructors.

The Academy is open to practicing nurses and current nursing faculty. We are pleased to share that the program is now approved for 12.25 contact hours through AXIS Medical Education. Please share with your faculty and clinical partners. There is no cost to participate. Space is limited to 45 participants. Registration will close on March 22, 2024, or when capacity is reached. Learn more and register here.


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